How do the slots work?
There are 4 separate memory locations represented by the 4 disks (slots). Only one slot can be played at a time. The selection is made in the slot room. This allows 4 people to play alternately on one device. To load a game, simply take the respective disk and insert it into the PC on the right side. The iCloud synchronization is only possible if the app has been installed on multiple devices with the same Apple ID.
Saving to iCloud is always done when you quit the game. Only the progress of the played disks is always transferred.
Delete Slots
To delete a score, the red button above the respective disk must be pressed and confirmed in the speech bubble.
Frequently asked questions
About iCloud synchronization
The individual game slots are synchronized via iCloud. The iCloud is only available when there is an internet connection. Various synchronization problems may occur. The solutions to the following problems are listed here.
- Attention: Never remove the game from the background immediately or wipe it out.
- Problem 1: Playing on multiple devices in the same slot
- Problem 2: The score was not loaded. No synchronization took place
- Problem 3: After starting the game a selection menu is displayed - Why?
- Problem 4: Warning message does not go away
- Reset: Complete reset of the game and iCloud
- Problem 5: My score is gone - How can I save it?
- Problem 6: I want to play offline - but my score is not loaded?!
- Problem 7: I want to play online again - but my offline game progress is gone!
- Problem 8: I can not delete the slot! - a message is displayed to me.
- Problem 9: I have completely deleted the game. But after reinstalling the slots are not empty.
- iCloud does not turn on - Troubleshooting

Never remove the game from background mode directly after quitting!
Attention: Never remove the game from the background immediately or wipe it out.
Never remove the game from background mode immediately after quitting. This will cause the iCloud synchronization to be interrupted immediately.
If you continue playing with the corrupted save state, you may not be able to play through Avolteha.
This will incorrectly display the Problem 1 icon on other devices. This can also lead to errors when deleting a slot. The iCloud synchronization is executed immediately when the app is put into background mode (press home button). The data exchange takes a few seconds. A solution is described under Problem 3.
Wait at least 30 seconds and leave the app in background before wiping it out.

Problem 1 Playing on multiple devices in the same slot
When playing on multiple devices in the same slot, a warning message appears (see figure). If this is ignored, synchronization errors may occur. The score from the last finished device, will be transferred and saved in iCloud.
Never play with 2 devices at the same time in the same slot.
Two devices may be played alternately in the same slot or simultaneously in different slots!

Problem 2: The score was not loaded. No synchronization took place
The synchronization needs a stable connection to the server. If this is not given, no data can be retrieved. The WLAN icon will display a warning message after a short time.
Only when the connection to the iCloud is established, the game can be continued.
Check whether a stable Internet connection is given.
Alternatively, iCloud synchronization can also be deactivated in the game settings. Then an Internet connection is no longer necessary to play.

Problem 3: After starting the game a selection menu is displayed - Why?
If the score was not saved to iCloud when I quit the game, the following will happen the next time I start the game: The last score is now not loaded from iCloud, but from the device’s memory, because this score is newer. The menu will now ask if the loaded score should be saved from the device to iCloud. If the score was restored correctly, “Yes” should always be selected in the menu. If the selection is confirmed with X, the score is loaded from the iCloud, but it may be outdated. However, this selection can also be undone.

Problem 4: Warning message does not go away
The warning message may appear incorrectly. Sometimes it is still present even after restarting the game. Solution A: Solution B: |

Reset: Complete reset of the game and iCloud
Attention. All iCloud data and game saves will be deleted.
To do this, go to the slot room. Eject the disk from the PC if necessary. Press the cloud until it shakes. Then delete all 4 disks one after the other by pressing the red button. Then press the cloud until it shakes.
Then quit the game immediately. After restarting Avolteha, the state of the first installation is restored and all data is deleted.
Only possible if iCloud is turned on.

Problem 5: My score is gone - How can I save it?
Basically, nothing is saved when loading the score, as long as you do not continue playing! So if by some malfunction a wrong score is loaded, then:
- Quit the game immediately, do not continue playing!
- Wait a few minutes and restart the game.
- If the problem persists that the score is not loaded:
- Follow the steps in this guide, do not continue playing!
Problem 5: Solution - Perform a data recovery operation
- Navigate to the home screen. (Touch on the bag at the top right
-> touch on the house at the bottom of the bar). - Press on the cloud at the top left until it turns black.
- Then press on the play/pause icon below it to continue playing.
- Now the score is not loaded from the iCloud, but from the device.
- If the score is correct, then press the OK button. This will save this score to the iCloud.
- Now you can close the window with the red X.
- If the score is not correct, then press the red X to cancel the process. The score could not be saved this way.
Problem 6: I want to play offline - but my score is not loaded?!
The iCloud can be easily turned off in the game settings.
When playing with iCloud turned off, the score is only saved on the device. However, no existing score can be loaded from the iCloud anymore. When inserting a disk, a new game starts.
- Load the score from the iCloud and save it offline.
- Open the game settings (touch on the bag at the top right -> touch on the settings icon in the bar below).
- Re-enable the iCloud (touch the switch next to the cloud) .
- Touch the blue switch below (You should see the icon with the disk, the trash can and the cloud).
- Exit the menu by pressing X. The score is now loaded from the iCloud.
- Switch off the iCloud again (press the switch next to the cloud again). Now this score will be saved offline when the game is closed.
Problem 7: I want to play online again - but my offline game progress is gone!
When iCloud is turned back on (switch next to the cloud in the game settings), then:
When exiting the game, only the slots played in that game session will be saved to iCloud.
Before that, load all slots that should be saved once briefly and go one room further. After that, you should first activate iCloud and exit the game.
If this hint was not followed, see:
Solution – Load missing slot and perform a data recovery.

Problem 8: I can not delete the slot! - a message is displayed to me.
This indication means that another device is currently playing in this slot. Therefore, the slot cannot be deleted. It is also possible that an error occurred and the device was not properly logged out of iCloud. Thus, it is wrongly assumed that there is still a device playing in this slot.
Quit the game on all other devices and try to delete the slot again. If this does not work, the cloud above the disks should be pressed until it wiggles. After that, the slot can be deleted normally.

Problem 9: I have completely deleted the game. But after reinstalling the slots are not empty.
After the reinstallation, the slots are not empty because they have been reloaded through the iCloud synchronization.
This makes it possible to continue playing the game immediately. After all, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
To delete the slots, the slots can either be deleted individually, or the game can be completely reset.

Problem 10: iCloud does not turn on - Troubleshooting
Solve the problem by running the following.
Sign in to your iCloud account to write records. On the Home screen, launch Settings, tap Sign in to your iPhone/iPad, and enter your Apple ID. Turn iCloud Drive on. Start Avolteha again and turn on iCloud now.